Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Great tribal tattoos design
great tattoo design
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
GNR Tattoo
GNR Tattoo #3, originally uploaded by DistortedSmile.
my comment :
what a early days tattoos, not felling anything with this design of tattoos
Sun Tattoo
Sun Tattoo 2, originally uploaded by hua-bing-chong-ji.
my comment:
personally, i am not really likes this sun tattoos design, just don't likes
Lower back tattoo
lower back tattoo, originally uploaded by Hanieh Bastani.
although this is not permanent tattoos, but it does has great design, you might try your own and explore
Custom Tattoo Design
Custom Tattoo Design, originally uploaded by shaire productions.
this design is looks great, dont know it will hard to do it or not, you must try
Tattoo design
tattoo design, originally uploaded by jeffreyrichter.
my comment :
what is bother me is her nose, oops sorry dont like
Saturday, April 26, 2008
New tattoo from Hawaii trip
I designed this before leaving for Hawaii, and originally is was just aesthetically pleasing. It did occur to me it could be construed as a stylized "S" for my last name but that was an afterthought.
Once I got it, though, it took on real meaning, with the curves representing the coast along the windward side up to the North Shore and the yellow oval standing in for the sun. It's inside my right ankle, and even though i wish it was a tad bigger I think it came out great. (Thanks to Mike at Skin Deep in Honolulu)
Alien Tribal
An "Alien Tribal" tattoo design that I made. I might even get it done some day. Let me know what you think of it!
Wolfhead tattoo
While it's hidden now, this is the tattoo I have on the right side of my head. It was designed for me by my good friend Tara and the tattoo was done by Tara's friend Wes in his kitchen (nothing sketchy, he had professional equipment and fresh needles). The left side is the same design, but just an outline, it's not filled in. This is on purpose, my idea was for a black wolf and a white wolf. But people would still ask, "So, when are you getting the other side finished?"
Montreal Art Tattoo Show Color Winner
Art Tattoo Show Montreal 2007, Winner Color big piece - art by Scott of Sugar Shack
2ª Tattoo Art Expo
Exposição coletiva com 32 tatuadores.
12 a 28 de abril - 2008-São Paulo-Brasil.
Calunga - Cigano - Cubano - Danel - Fábio - Fábio Renato - Felipe Andrade - Gonta - Gú - Ivan Canteras - Ivan Szasi - Júnior - Laci - Luciano - Marcelo "Mexinha" - Marcio Duarte - Mauro "Crazy Tattoo" - Mauro Landin - Mauro Nunes - Michel - Misi - Moreno - Neto - Osmar - Oderus - Pedro Lucente - Sérgio Ricardo - Rafael - Rick - Rodrigo - Walter - Zéca
Abertura: 12 de abril as 22:00hs
Visitação: De terça a sábado a partir das 19:00hs
Local: Lady Hell Pub
Rua: Bela Cintra, 124 - Centro - São Paulo - SP (próximo à Av. Paulista)
Tel: (11) 3129-4006
Mauro "Crazy Tattoo"(11-92860994)
Marcelo "Mexinha"(11-85597601)
Sérgio Ricardo (11-81337390)
Apoio: Lady Hell Pub - Black Dragon Tattoo
Estão todos convidados!!!
Waterless Tattoo BC Art Center
Waterless Tattoo BC Art Center
Battle Creek Art Center used this Waterless Tattoo to promote their show, "Art of the Tattoo". The tattoos were handed out at parades and other community events the month before the show.